Prime Locate offers experienced and professional locators to accurately pinpoint all of your underground utilities. We use state-of-the-art equipment, such as radars and vacuum potholing, to quickly assess, identify, locate and document anything that might be below the subsurface. Our equipment can detect both metallic and non-metallic objects along with any environmental hazards.

Our Locators provide excellent customer service and instant results documented into official reports. Our years of experience have taken us all over Western Australia, where we have been trusted to provide services to work sites both big and small, as well as specialty Environmental Industry projects. We are confident that we can safely meet your needs, whatever they may be.

For more information, please contact us for a thorough phone consultation with one of our expert locators. 

Our equipment can safely detect the following underground utilities:

  • Communication Lines (Fibre Optic & Copper)
  • Power Cables (HV & LV)
  • Water Pipelines (Steel & PVC)
  • Gas Lines (Steel, PVC & PE)
  • Sewer Pipelines
  • Traffic Signal Networks
  • Petroleum Lines
  • Empty Conduits
  • Pits
  • Valves

Prime Locate offers experienced and professional locators to accurately pinpoint all of your underground utilities. We use state-of-the-art equipment, such as radars and vacuum potholing, to quickly assess, identify, locate and document anything that might be below the subsurface. Our equipment can detect both metallic and non-metallic objects along with any environmental hazards.

Our Locators provide excellent customer service and instant results documented into official reports. Our years of experience have taken us all over Western Australia, where we have been trusted to provide services to work sites both big and small, as well as specialty Environmental Industry projects. We are confident that we can safely meet your needs, whatever they may be.

For more information, please contact us for a thorough phone consultation with one of our expert locators. 

Our equipment can safely detect the following underground utilities:

  • Communication Lines (Fibre Optic & Copper)
  • Power Cables (HV & LV)
  • Water Pipelines (Steel & PVC)
  • Gas Lines (Steel, PVC & PE)
  • Sewer Pipelines
  • Traffic Signal Networks
  • Petroleum Lines
  • Empty Conduits
  • Pits
  • Valves



Using radar technology, see through the surface to discover what utilities lie below.


Prove utility locations with vacuum excavation, remove soil and expose services to physically see underground assets.


Locating utilities such as pipes and cables, we provide you with a road map of the underground network.


Full site & utility surveys resulting in detailed information documenting subsurface information.


Clearly locate and identify utilities or unique environmental hazards prior to drilling or excavating test pits within the Environmental Industry.